'It's Fun being a Girl... Great being a Woman!'- Synett Stewart

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Thoughts on Resolutions

 'Tis the month to start anew. Many are making New Year's resolutions. "This is the year that I am going to get organized!", "This is the year that I am going to lose weight and get into the jeans I wore back in high school!", "This is the year that I am going to find a man or woman!", etc....

  So many years have gone by with people starting the exact same way... unrealistically. Let's start with a small goal and then work our way up. Many times we look at the entire year and make a plan that sounds really good and possible, but never include the things that pop up and throw us off course. So, I suggest start with the month of January. Make a goal that you can accomplish that month! Then, towards the end of the month, make another goal for February same for March and so on. This way your year is broken down in months and it's easier to actually accomplish some things!

  Many popular resolutions have to do with self image. Losing weight, being fit, being more positive, getting organized... These are all great things! So, how does it fit into a beauty/fashion article?

1) Losing Weight/ Being Fit

   There are two parts to this one.  Lets say, your weight loss goal is a significant amount. As you succeed your body image will change. You will have to learn to dress differently for your new shape. Many times we look at those jeans that we are desperate to wear and see how far we have to go to get in them. Lets say we have twenty pounds to lose and so far we have lost five. Well, when we lose five. that's an accomplishment! But our jeans we have currently don't fit so well and our goal jeans don't either, just yet. Don't get discouraged! Go out and get a cute, cheap pair and wear them proudly until your next size down. A whole new wardrobe is not needed, but a couple essentials are!

  Second part is, what if your weight loss goal is not that big? It's just more about toning up. OK! You go to the gym, or workout at home, and you admire your progress in the bathroom mirror.Then you put on the same clothes that hid your shape or made you feel out of shape in the first place! None of your friends are noticing your hard work because it's hidden under baggy, loose fitting clothes. So, you feel that you need to workout harder. These types of things play with our heads! Again, shop for a few essentials, get some of your favorites tailored, hire a stylist. (hint, hint.. and yes, they can be affordable and not just for reality shows) It will make you feel better, not to mention, look better!!

2) Being more positive

  When was the last time you were complimented on your hair or hair color or style? If it's been a while, or, heaven forbid, never, it's time to look into something different. Talk to your stylist discuss new ideas. If they don't have any, talk to some new ones. Consultations are usually free at salons. When you get complimented it makes you feel great, which in turn puts you in a great mood, which leads to positive energy, and BOOM, you have 'Being More Positive' accomplished!

3) Getting Organized

  We think of the areas like the piles of bills or miscellaneous papers lying around, our garages, basements, closets, kids rooms, cars etc...
What about your cosmetic bag? Or under your bathroom sink? How many of us have fallen victim to sample hoarding or gift with purchase? What about the shampoo, conditioner, styling products we buy, just knowing it's going to make our life so much easier, and we end up with enough to start our own salon? Get rid of it! You can sift through it yourself or hire a professional (hint, hint) to help you keep the colors that flatter you or the hair products that actually work.

  Having goals is wonderful! They keep us moving forward in a positive way, but not accomplishing them can be depressing. Keep it simple, small steps are still steps. It can be more enjoyable accomplishing goals with someone versus alone, so get some help! Wishing you all much success!

Edited version published in Suwanee Magazine


  1. Love it. It is all so true. Going to make my goals more managable this year. (That's goal #1)

  2. I am loving your blog. It is alot to think about. Taking one goal at a time is better then many goals that are overwhelming.
